Opening hours

We are flexible and always at your disposal.
However, have a look at the general opening hours.

Check - in: 14:00

Check - out: 11:00

Bar: 8:00 - Late

Restaurant: 8:00 - 23:00

Contact us

Should you need any advice regarding your stay, we recommend using the chat at the right bottom corner.
For the more general and not urgent requests, use the form below and we will reply to your e-mail.
Our colleague Petra will be happy to assist you.

    Book now

    You are just one click away from a perfect holiday at Tulia.
    Just make your booking now and we will take care of everything else.

    Complimentary services for every reservation:

    free airport transfer
    free welcome drink
    free first massage
    free yoga sessions
    free kayaks
    free bicycle
    free gym
    free paddleboard

    Prices checked by guests in the last 24h. Secure your room now. rating 9,6 I Tripadvisor rating 5/5

    © 2020 Tulia Zanzibar I Created by Arthas